Ratings and Reviews Guidelines

We love getting feedback about your experiences and appreciate all contributions to our website in the form of ratings and reviews. While these add value to the overall community, we also want to ensure that we keep our community safe and the website trustworthy.

Please read these guidelines carefully before adding your ratings and reviews and make sure you abide by them at all times.

Where ratings and reviews are reported as inappropriate and they contravene our ratings and reviews guidelines, they will be removed.

If you are providing a rating and/or review, we reserve the right to either not publish or to remove the rating and/or review at our sole discretion should they NOT meet the following guidelines:

  1. The product or service has been used or experienced by the reviewer
  2. It is an original review; not duplicated or quoted from elsewhere
  3. The reviewer is older than 16 (sixteen) years of age
  4. The reviewer is independent and is not:
    • Family, friend or other related party to the business being reviewed
    • Receiving an incentive to provide the review
    • A competitor of the business being reviewed
    • Someone writing the review on behalf of one of the above
  5. Not defamatory or offensive
  6. Does not impact on the privacy of others
  7. Does not include any hate speech, threats, personal insults, prejudiced or sexually explicit language
  8. Does not describe participation in or suggest any illegal activities
  9. Does not include profanities or other inappropriate language or content
  10. Not promotional or of a commercial in nature
  11. Not fake
  12. Not irrelevant and/ or unhelpful (Please avoid personal opinions about politics, religion race or other social issues)
  13. Is a recent experience
  14. Is easy to read and understand

Other important information - Visitors

  • You need to give us your email address and a password before you can provide a review
  • You will need to ensure any contact details provided are correct
  • You can report a review using “Report Review” link next to the review you want to report

Click here to read the full Terms and Conditions for businesses.

Other important information - Businesses

  • If your business receives a review you will be notified by email, using the email address recorded on your business listing account. Please ensure that your business information is always accurate, and we recommend regularly checking your spam folder for these alerts. We cannot be responsible for missed email notifications.
  • Businesses have the opportunity to read and respond to ratings and reviews in the Business Member’s area.
  • If you believe a review is incorrect or misleading please use the contact us details to let us know. Please confirm in your email whether you feel the review is incorrect or misleading and include as much information as possible to support your claim.

Click here to read the full Terms of Use for visitors.

Date Update: 22-03-2022 2:43 am