- Centre St Ne 1710, Calgary City, Alberta T1X 0L3
- 20-30 km from Kathyrn
Languages for Kids - Kathyrn (T0M 1E0)
Best match results for languages for kids in Kathyrn + 30km.
At JEI Learning Center, we offer a unique and innovative education system where children can study independently. Our Self-Learning System ensures that children have the ability to become strong leaders of tomorrow by helping to develop their critical thinking and problem solving skills. With the help of JEI instructors, our kids learning center allows children to improve their skills in English, Math, Reading & Writing, and more. We have JEI learning centers all across the USA and Canada. Contact... Read more
- Larkspur Way Sw 6304, Calgary City, Alberta T1X 0L3
- 20-30 km from Kathyrn
- 7 Ave Sw 717, Calgary City, Alberta T1X 0L3
- 20-30 km from Kathyrn
Other related businesses in and around Kathyrn (within 50km)
- 108 1289 Highfield Cr SE, Calgary City, Alberta T2G 5M2
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Canadian Home Education Resources (CHER) has continued to carry Good Stuff for Home School Families, Parents, Teachers, Grandparents - and anyone else who likes kids - since 1993. Check out our new updated website for curriculum, novels, games and so much more. Read more
- 1311 4 St Sw, Calgary City, Alberta T2R 0X9
- 30-40 km from Kathyrn
- 700 77 St Sw, Calgary City, Alberta T3H 5R1
- 30-40 km from Kathyrn